Wednesday, July 21, 2010

keine sorgen

Getting chewed out and called "disrespectful" is really the pick-me-up I needed tonight! A perfect start to the second half of my week, which will mostly be spent working. Life can be hilarious sometimes.

How is it that ever since I moved to Brooklyn I have felt more isolated and lonely than ever before (or at least since my college days)? I just wish I could get out of the city for a few days and clear my head... I wish so badly that I could go up north again (and by "up north", I am referring to Northern Minnesota). I need a break from New York.

new york town

Sitting alone in a bar, drinking PBR and listening to Elliott Smith while on the verge of tears wasn't exactly how I imagined it would be to live in one of the greatest cities in this country.

But at least I get to visit home in a little under 5 weeks. I hope that renews my spirits somewhat.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I neglected this thing for a while.

Just goes to show how much I hate blogging. Why would anyone care about my musings, anyway? haha.